Setting up Zotero
Using Zotero
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research. This guide includes instructions for downloading, customizing, and using Zotero for your research, but if you need any assistance, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with a librarian.
See Zotero's support documentation for further information. The forums are thorough and surprisingly responsive.
Let's make sure everything works! With Zotero open, we'll make sure you can add an item to your library and cite it in Word or Google Docs if applicable.
If you have any problems with Zotero, contact your friendly librarians at or refer to Zotero's Support and documentation page.
Before you can take notes, organize your sources, or create bibliographies, you need to add sources to your library. You can add items manually by clicking on the 'New item' icon in the Zotero window, but the easiest way is to find sources in a library database or website and add them with a click of a button:
You can create bibliographies with Zotero a few different ways: directly in the program, dragging and dropping into a new document, or using the function in Word or Google Docs.
You can create notes for sources in Zotero using their 'Notes' pane, or annotate your PDFs directly in Zotero's PDF viewer.
Zotero allows you to keep all your sources in one place, and organize them for easy access using collections/folders, tags, and search options.