Microforms are any forms, either films or paper, containing microreproductions of documents for transmission, storage, reading, and printing. Microform images are commonly reduced to about one twenty-fifth of the original document size. Three formats are common: microfilm (reels), aperture cards and microfiche (flat sheets). Microcards, a format no longer produced, were similar to microfiche, but printed on cardboard rather than photographic film.
The Microform readers for film, fiche, and cards are located on the Ground Floor at the bottom of the main stairwell to the left of the Microfilm section. You can print, e-mail, and save directly from the reader. The Ground Floor assistant can help you with using the machine, but here are two helpful videos to get you started:
Microfilm is located on the Ground Floor of UTC Library. In the catalog, the location form microfilm will say, "Microfilm (Ground Floor)". This collection consists of mostly older journals and newspapers, as well as documents from subject-specific collections like ERIC (education).
Microfiche are located in storage. In the catalog, the location for microfiche will say, "Microfiche (See Check-Out Desk, 1st Floor)". Please bring specific information about the microfiche you are interested in viewing to the Check-Out Desk and someone will retrieve the needed item for you from storage.
Microcards are located in storage. In the catalog, the location for microforms will say, "Microforms (See Check-Out Desk, 1st Floor)". Please bring specific information about the microfiche you are interested in viewing to the Check-Out Desk and someone will retrieve the needed item for you from storage.